How to Get Better at Math 7th Grade

Are you a 7th grader looking to conquer the mysterious realm of mathematics? Fear not, young math adventurer, for this guide is here to equip you with the skills and strategies necessary to become a math whiz in no time! Whether you’re struggling with fractions or yearning to tackle algebraic equations, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive right into the world of numbers, variables, and equations and unleash your inner math genius!

Embrace the Power of Practice

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to mastering math. Set aside regular time for math practice and make it a part of your daily routine. Explore math worksheets, online quizzes, and interactive math games to make the learning process engaging and fun. Websites like Math Playground and IXL offer a wide range of math exercises tailored specifically to your grade level.

Understand the Building Blocks: Number Properties

To build a solid foundation in math, it’s crucial to understand the properties of numbers. Familiarize yourself with concepts like prime numbers, factors, multiples, and divisibility rules. Knowing these key principles will make working with numbers a breeze and help you decipher complex problems more efficiently.

Conquer Fractions with Ease

Fractions can be a tricky concept to grasp, but fear not! Here’s a step-by-step approach to mastering fractions:

  • Start by understanding the basics: numerator, denominator, and their relationship.
  • Practice simplifying fractions and converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions.
  • Dive into operations with fractions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Explore real-life applications of fractions, such as measurements and ratios.

Unravel the Mysteries of Algebra

Algebra is where letters and numbers dance together, creating a symphony of equations. Here’s how you can unlock the secrets of algebra:

  • Get comfortable with variables, constants, and coefficients.
  • Master the art of simplifying expressions and combining like terms.
  • Learn to solve one-step and two-step equations, as well as inequalities.
  • Expand your knowledge by exploring linear graphs and functions.

Seek Guidance and Ask Questions

Remember, you’re not alone on this mathematical journey! Seek guidance from your math teacher or consider joining a study group. Discussing concepts with peers and asking questions can shed light on areas you find challenging. Additionally, online forums like Math Stack Exchange are great resources for getting answers to specific math questions.

Visualize Mathematics

Mathematics isn’t just numbers on a page; it’s a language of patterns and relationships. Embrace visual tools like diagrams, graphs, and charts to enhance your understanding. They can help you see the connections between different math concepts and make problem-solving more intuitive.

Discover Real-World Applications

Mathematics is all around us, even outside the classroom! Explore how math is used in real-world scenarios, such as budgeting, cooking, sports statistics, and even music. Understanding the practical applications of math can make it more relatable and exciting.

Stay Motivated and Persistent

Mathematics can be challenging at times, but don’t let that discourage you! Stay motivated and persist in your learning journey. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and remember that every step forward is a step closer to mathematical mastery.

Make Use of Online Resources and Tools

In this digital age, a wealth of online resources and tools are available to aid your math learning. Take advantage of educational websites, YouTube channels, and math apps designed to provide interactive lessons, tutorials, and practice exercises. Websites like Khan Academy and MathisFun offer comprehensive math lessons and practice problems, while apps like Photomath can help you solve complex equations step by step. Harness the power of technology to supplement your learning and reinforce key math concepts.

Break Down Problems into Smaller Steps

Sometimes math problems can seem overwhelming, but fear not! A helpful strategy is to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. Start by identifying the given information and the problem’s requirements. Then, devise a plan or strategy to tackle each step one at a time. By breaking down the problem, you can approach it methodically and increase your chances of finding the correct solution.

Build a Strong Mathematical Vocabulary

Mathematics has its own unique language, and building a strong mathematical vocabulary will greatly enhance your understanding of concepts and problem-solving abilities. Familiarize yourself with key mathematical terms such as sum, product, quotient, equation, and inequality. As you encounter new terms, make sure to grasp their definitions and usage. A robust mathematical vocabulary will enable you to communicate your ideas clearly and precisely.

Seek Real-Life Connections

Mathematics is not confined to textbooks and classrooms; it has practical applications in everyday life. Look for opportunities to make connections between math concepts and real-world scenarios. For instance, when baking or cooking, you can apply fractions and proportions to adjust recipes. When budgeting, you can use basic algebra to manage your finances. By linking math to real-life situations, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for its relevance and develop a stronger grasp of its concepts.

Engage in Math-Related Activities and Games

Learning math doesn’t have to be all work and no play! Engage in math-related activities and games to make the learning process enjoyable. Solve puzzles, play math-themed board games like Set or Sudoku, or challenge yourself with brain-teasers. These activities not only make math entertaining but also enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. So, have fun while sharpening your math prowess!

Review and Reinforce Previous Concepts

Mathematics is a cumulative subject, and concepts build upon one another. Take the time to review and reinforce previously learned topics regularly. This will help solidify your understanding and prevent knowledge gaps. If you encounter difficulties with a particular concept, revisit it, and seek additional practice or clarification. By keeping your foundation strong, you’ll be better equipped to tackle more advanced math topics.

Embrace Mistakes as Learning Opportunities

Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and math is no exception. Instead of becoming discouraged by errors, embrace them as valuable learning opportunities. Analyze your mistakes, understand where you went wrong, and learn from them. Mistakes are stepping stones on your path to improvement and growth. With each error, you gain valuable insights that contribute to your mathematical development.


With these additional strategies in your arsenal, you are well-equipped to embark on your journey to becoming a math prodigy in 7th grade. Leverage online resources, break down problems, expand your mathematical vocabulary, and seek real-life connections. Engage in math-related activities, review previous concepts, and embrace mistakes as learning opportunities.

Remember, math is not only about numbers and equations; it’s about critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning. Enjoy the process, persevere through challenges, and watch as your math skills soar to new heights. Happy math explorations!